Water … “always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it”, wrote Margaret Atwood. But we can shape and transform water on its journey and it shapes and transform us as it passes through us.

The title of my labum ‘Be Water, Be Light’ originates in an audiovisual poem I co-created with Lin Li (track 5). It touches on recent civil disobedience movements that have employed tactics and gestures inspired by water and light – movements which have been subject to unrelenting suppression. They leave us with the question: who will still have the courage to be water and light?

In the other tracks I share sonic expressions of my love of water, composed with the help of the Ligurian and Mediterranean Seas, various rivers in England and Scotland, a whalophone (made by Turtle Drums), and my own DIY constructions of bottles, tanks, saxophones, and tubes.

Free to stream on Spotify and Apple Music and beyond.


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